The Dan Thompson Weems Replica Jackrabbit Call: 7 Things To Know

If you’re into predator hunting, you’ve probably heard of Dan Thompson or his Weems Replica Jackrabbit call.

If you haven’t, you might struggle finding quality, custom coyote calls.

Or maybe a just a good jackrabbit distress call.

Well don’t worry my friend, you’ve come to the right place. Dan Thompson calls, the Weems Replica specifically, are custom made and glossed to perfection. They seem like they should sit on the shelf, not in the dirt or snow.



7 Things To Know About Primos’s Best Coyote Mouth Call: The Hot Dog

If you’ve ever gone coyote hunting, you know the frustration.

They’re wily creatures, appearing from thin air in an instant, and gone just as fast.

You can’t hunt them like other creatures. No “spot and stalk” hunting, and they’ll smell you out before you can bust em’ walking.

No, you have to “speak” to them.

You have to call them in. And to do that you need a good coyote call. (more…)